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Friendship Shayari |
Friendship Shayari Status
If you regularly message to your friends,
you wont get any response!
But if you message them from an unknown number,
every1 will respond!
People have time for unknown but not for known!
Strange but true.
👉Making relation is very simple but keeping it is very difficult.
If i fail anytime, give me grace marks and promote me
bcoz i dont want 2 lose a friend like you...
👉Its not a accomplishment to accomplish 100 friends in a year.
A accomplishment in year to accomplish 1 friend for 100 years.
👉Difference between Friend and Wife..
You can Tell your Friend
“you are my Best Friend”
Do you have courage tell to your Wife
“you are my Best Wife?”
👉Many Times we loose our best friends,
bcoz we are unable to express how special they are to us
So dis msg is only for them whom i never want to loose,
bcoz you are so special to me....
👉Time, Health, Friends and Relations,
Do not come with a price tag,
But when we lost them, We Realize the cost.
So, Treat them carefully...
👉I am not your Heart But
I miss you,
I am not your family But I care for you,
I am not your blood relations,
But I am ready to share your pain,
Bcoz I am your friend.
👉If i could pull down the rainbow, i would write your name with it & put it back in the sky 2 let everybody know how colourful my life is with a friend like you.
👉Lips are like friend
If we say STUDY, READ, WRITE they never meet.
But if we say PARTY, PICNIC, BUNK, PLAY, MSG, MEET Immediately they will meet.
👉I adjust with many and so they are my friends..
i don't adjust with a few but they are my best friends.
👉No one is rich enough to buy his / her own childhood & youth back..
ONLY Friends, help recreate those moments from time to time at NO COST.
👉Knowing a friend like you has made me happy in million ways and if ever i have to let you go,
i would find a million reasons to make you stay.
👉My friend.....
you never expect too much of me.
you are glad when i succeed,
but failure makes no difference to you.
you give me all the help you can but more important,
you are simply there.
👉Life says enjoy me,
time says use me,
friend says trust me,
and i says don't forget me.
👉F- First,
R- Relation,
In- In the,
E- Earth that,
N- Never dies.
I am proud to have a FRIEND like You.
👉Rain Is Irritating If you are getting Wet Alone..
Movies Are A Waste If The Seats Beside U Are Vacant..
Pizza Is just Some Junk Food If There are No More Than A Pair Of Hands Picking It Up..
Love Is Just A Bad Feeling wen It's One Sided..
Beach Is d Dirtiest Place To Visit Alone
No Matter how Short Life Is
Live It With your Beloved Friends
Share Every Second.
Dont Miss The Chance Of Being Together..
It Might Never Come Again.
👉1 who holds your hand every time when you need support is surely A gud Friend
But d "Best buddy" is
1 who holds your hand more tightly when you say
"leave me alone".
👉So many times V loose the best people in life,
bcz V are unable 2 exprss how special they are 2 Us.
So this msg is 4 one of the best people,
whom I never want to loose..
👉Relation is not collection of People,
but it is selection of hearts.
All relations are not true
but true relations are very few and it includes "U."
👉Best moment of life: when you need to tell someone your feeling
but you cant and you Just hug the person & he says in your ears "I UNDERSTAND"
👉Purity of affection between you and me is not about smiling after reading the forwarded messages..
Its about smiling just by seeing the name.