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Thoughts About Life in English |
Thoughts About Life in English
Bitter Truth...
"Everyone would like to Park his bike in Shadow,
Not a soul would like to Plant a new Tree".
👉One day I met Money...
I said you are just a sheet of Paper......!!
Money smiled & said-Ofcorse I m a sheet of paper,
I hvn't seen a dustbin around my life......!
Thats Attitude......!!
👉Mistakes are embarrassing when they happen;
But years later, you've got a collection of mistakes, called;
Experience that leads you to Success.
👉Never test good people because they are like diamonds.
When you hit them, they will not break,
but they will only slip away from your life.
👉PAST is a waste paper,
PRESENT is a news paper,
FUTURE is a question paper,
so, Read Write Carefully.
Otherwise LIFE will be TISSUE PAPER !
👉If a girl cries, there will be many reasons . . .
but. . .
If a boy cries, there will be only one reason . .
That is a "GIRL"
👉A wrong decision can double your experience
Correct decision can double your confidence..
Don't worry in either case.!
Always try the best..!!
👉GOD has put you where you are For a reason and has givEn you the abilities needed to make a difference..
Do your best and Leave a trail that others can follow.
👉Once in life time fall in Love..
not necessarily with a person
with your dreams, ambition, goals.
👉When you FULLY trust a person without any doubt,
You'll get any one of the two results for sure:-
"A PERSON for Life
"A LESSON for Life"...
👉Whats The Difference Between "Like & Love" ???
Any answer..??
When You Like A Flower,
U Just Pluck It..!
When You Love A Flower,
U Water It Daily....!!
👉A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have.
Stop looking for reasons to be unhappy.
Focus on the things you do have, and the reasons you should be happy.
Being happy doesn't always make us grateful, but being grateful will always make us happy.
👉Assumptions are the termites of relationships,
The best pesticide for which is humble "Communication"
👉True guidance is like a small lamp in a dark forest.
It doesn't show everything at once.
But gives enough light for the next step to be safe.
👉So true: -_-
"if there is wonderful relation between two people,
then there must be one of them who has Compromised a Lot !!"
👉Sometimes, You have to shut up,
Swallow your pride and Accept that you're wrong
Even when you're not!
Its not GIVING UP,
Its called GROWING UP!
👉If you Get these Lines,
then U can Change Alot in Life:
Do Not Get Upset With people Or Situations..
Both are Powerless Without Your Reaction.
👉Except Me & Including God, No Body In This World That Happiest On your Happiness,
Saddest On your Sadness & Cry Enough If A Drop Of Tear Come From your Eyes…!
👉What is Richness By swami Vivekananda:
"Richness is not Earning More,
Spending More or Saving More.
Richness is when you need "NO MORE".
👉A great thinker was asked,
What is the meaning of life?
He replied-
"LIFE itself has no meaning, but LIFE is an OPPORTUNITY to create a mEANING."
👉Life runs on 2 simple Golden Rules-
'Accept' the things which you can't 'change' or
'Change' the things which you can't 'accept'!
👉Life is all about a card game.
Choosing the right cards is not in our hand.
But playing well with the cards in hand determines our Success.
👉U Dont See Whats Special About a Moment Until you Look Back On It In the Future,
When you Know that you Cant Have It Anymore.
So enjoy Every Moment.
👉Life is much like facebook.
people will like your problem and comment,
but no one gonna solve them.
bcoz everybody seems so busy in updating there own..
👉Abraham Lincoln
"If friendship is your weakest point then you are the strongest person in the world."
👉We always feel that god never comes on time when we call him.
But the truth is that he is always on time.
Only we always in a hurry.
👉Problems are like little stones.
If you keep them near your eye they hide your vision.
If you keep them in a distance you can see how small they are...!
👉Life is not an ipod to listen to your favourite songs.
It is a radio, you must adjust yourself to every frequency & enjoy whatever comes in it...!!
👉In life when you face choices,
just toss a coin,
not coz it settles the question But,
While the coin is in air you will know what your heart really desires for.
👉The height of candles may differ but they yield the same brightness.
Its not your position but your ability that actually makes you shine..
👉Luck is not in your hands but decision is in your hands.
Your decision can make luck but luck can't make your decision.
So always trust yourself.